5 Tips for Using Daycare Labels to Organize Toys in Your Classroom

Keeping a classroom organized can be a challenging task, especially with several toddlers running around, seemingly getting into everything. By the end of the day, the daycare room can look like a tornado went through it. So, how do you keep things organized without sacrificing on fun play? Daycare labels of course! Baby smiles labels can help keep you organized, prepared, and sane. Just imagine: at the end of the day, everything is in its proper place and you don’t have to stay late (again!) trying to find Suzy’s bear or Tommy’s truck.

  • Separate into plastic bins: Buy some plastic bins from your local department store; fill each one with a certain toy. One bin for balls, one for play tools, one for stuffed animals, etc. Place each bin on a shelf or in a corner where they can easily be accessed. You can separate daycare supplies and toys from toys brought from home. Personalized labels will help keep things out of the lost and found box.
  • Use pictures and words: For little ones who can’t read yet, use large pictures so they know what goes into each bin. Kids labels can be a combination of pictures and words so that older kids can read it. Place the appropriate labels on each bin. This can work with shelves as well.
  • Have kids help: When children help with an ‘important’ task, they feel more in control and will be more likely to help. They can place stickers on the bins or shelves, and they can help put toys away at the end of the day.
  • Use fun fonts: Labels for kids shouldn’t be dull and boring, so jazz things up a little! Use fun fonts and symbols to create unique works of art that will enhance the look of the classroom.
  • Use lots of color: Don’t be afraid to experiment with color for your personalized labels. Bright bold colors will brighten up the classroom and give kids a fun environment to be in. Kids love color and the more variety you have, the more the kids will appreciate their surroundings. Even little ones who don’t want to be there or have separation anxiety will warm up to a colorful, organized classroom.

Personalized kid’s labels can be used for every toy imaginable and organizational tools like bins and shelves will help keep everything in its place. Baby Smiles labels have a variety of labels and you can customize them to fit your needs. You can experiment with fonts, symbols, colors, and styles to create your own unique set of labels that will set your classroom apart from the rest.

Once you have your toys organized, you can personalize things like the kids’ personal belongings, use labels for their personal space (for coats, bags, lunch, etc.) and a host of other uses. Kids labels are an invaluable resource in the classroom and they are not expensive. In fact, most would say that they are a necessary investment and benefit kids and adults alike. Organization is a skill that kids can learn when they are young, so they can be become organized adults.

Baby Smiles can help with all of your labeling needs. Visit the website today for more information about their range of products.
