

5 Reasons You Need Waterproof Labels

  Waterproof labels are far more durable and long lasting than regular ones. Waterproof name labels make a great addition to any mom’s repertoire of organizational toolkit, especially when it comes to kids. Notorious for losing things, both moms and kids benefit...

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Reasons to Buy Baby’s First Holiday Stickers

There is no more joyous event than a new baby. A new life is a great reason to celebrate and bring families together. With a new baby comes many new gifts, and when it comes to babies, there are lots of choices out there. If you’re looking for something truly unique...

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How Baby Smiles Labels can Help Your Little One Smile

Your little ones love arts and crafts. They love being a part of your scrapbooking or any project mommy and daddy are a part of. Kids love creating their own label designs and seeing their names on their belongings. There is such a vast variety of label designs at...

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Top 3 Reasons to Take Baby Smile Labels to Summer Camp

Both kids and parents love summer camp! It’s a great way for kids to keep busy for a few days in the summer and meet new friends; and parents enjoy (although they may not admit it!) a few days of peace and quiet. With summer camp, though, comes the often tedious task...

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Creative Ways to Use Photo Stickers

Photos are perhaps the most personal recordings of moments frozen in time and for eternity. With the advent of digital photography, we click almost anything we see; it could be the neighbor’s cat or a special shade in the sky, the first baby steps of your kid or a...

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5 Great Ways to Use Personalized Kids Labels

Once you have picked out personalized labels that your kids love, the next step is figuring out what all to apply them to! What are some great ways, either ordinary or creative, to use these personalized labels? Iron Them on Clothing Children have the tendency to take...

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Baby Smiles Labels & School Aged Children

How many times have we sent our children off to school with a jacket, a lunch box, or some “show and tell” item only for them to return home empty-handed? Every day, to the frustration of parents, children go off to school and “misplace” things. We ask them to check...

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Top 3 Uses for Baby Smile Labels

If you have children, then you understand the challenge of keeping their belongings organized. Between school, play dates, and sometimes chaotic playtime at home, it’s easy to misplace toys. Though raising a child is incredibly rewarding, it is also undoubtedly...

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